WOW! John Mayer concert was amazing. Amazingggg. He was even better live that he is on CD. It was amazing. Apparently, that's the only adjective that describes it adequately, becuase that is the only one I seem to be able to come up with. The concert was at this cool outdoor amphitheater thing that was so cool. So the whole concert was out under the stars. It was awesome. Oh wow. He is wonderful. I He is such a good guitar player! and his voice is...yep, you guessed it - AMAZING!
We accidentally left the lights on when we parked, so our car was dead when we went to leave - we had high hopes that John would come and give us a ride back to Provo on his bus. No such luck. However, we did meet this really sweet lady and her daughter who helped us jump start the car. It was actually a really cool thing. We were trying to jump it and we kept trying and trying and it wouldn't work and we couldn't figure out why. We had been trying for probably 15 minutes and nothing was working, so we were in the decided to take off the jumper cables and put them away, and try to think of a plan B. So we, being the 4 BYU students that we are, huddled on the side of the car and said a quick prayer while this lady was putting away the cables. The minute we stood up, this guy walked over and said "Do you guys need some help?" So he re-hooked up the jumper cables, and we tried to start the car, and it worked. It was awesome. It was a really really neat experience.
Anyway, I love John Mayer. I have listened to nothing but him for the last 24 hours. Mmm!! :]