Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I just moved into my new apartment for the summer.
It is wonderful.
I only have one roommate, we have two bathrooms, and a huge kitchen.

But, no matter how much I love my new apartment, there are things that I will probably always miss about the dorms.

1. My roommate giving me a report every morning about the interesting things I had said the previous night in my sleep.
2. Our random dance parties.
3. The heater that never worked.
4. The single bathroom that we shared between 6 of us.
5. The fact that when someone from any of the apartments on the top floor was talking, everyone could hear them because of the silly vents.
6. The stupid locks that always made our keys get stuck.
7. The cinder block walls.
8. The card games in the lobby that ended promptly at 11:59 pm when the RA's came around to lock us in for the night.
9. The long nights of no sleep.
10. Prank wars with the boys in our ward.
11. Eating nothing but Rice-A-Roni, Pasta Sides, Bagels, Popcorn, and Diet Coke.
12. Sharing 2 washers between 50 girls.
13. My best friends. Katelyn, Brynn, & Katie.

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