Saturday, January 31, 2009


tragic news regarding the much anticipated disneyland trip...
are you serious??
im depressed.
i fear we are doomed to spend our amazing weekend in california like these poor bright yellow (or blue) ponchos..freezing cold.
i mean honestly, look at that little boy in the yellow poncho.
does he look like he is having happy fun at the happiest place on earth?
not really at all.

but on the bright side...
it's bought and paid for.
so exciting,
i have never been so excited to wear an article of clothing.

this isn't a word.
but i heard it used once...
in a book or a movie or a song or someting.
so one day when i was googling pictures of london and some of the places that we would be visiting i came across this picture.
i did some research.
apparently it was the castle that walt disney used as inspiration while designing cinderellas castle.
cool huh?
i love castles.
i think theyre amazing.
i could stare at them for hours
sometimes when im bored
i google castles.
and read about them
and the people to lived in them
and the crazy things that went on in them.
i think theyre fascinating
and gorgeous
and majestic
and intreguing.
and amazing.
seriously how beautiful is this gigantic white castle out in the middle of the trees on the side of a mountain.
can you imagine living there????
holy cow.
i cant.
it must have been amazing.

okay. so, i never understood the obsession with Lost.
i watched a few episodes once.
didnt understand. got confused. stopped watching.
lover boy's roommate got the first season on dvd.
and this was our tragic downfall.
we haven't been able to stop watching.
it's pathetic.
im hooked.

dealing with change is hard.
making new friends.
letting go of other friends.
letting relationships go where they need to go.
thats kind of vague.
but its hard.
the end.

i have looooveeeed the weather lately.
it has been sunny
and warm
and sunny
and sunny
and i hear the snow melting
i love the sound of dripping when the snow is melting.
it is probably one of my most favorite sounds.

tonight i went shopping with my cousin addy. she's turning 16 in two weeks.
in some ways i envy her.
sometimes (only somtimes..) i wish i could be 16.
it's only 3 years..
but it seems like so long ago.
and it seems like life has gotten so much harder.
so different and so much more complicated.
i love my cousins.
and my aunts
and my uncles
and my grandparents
i have THE coolest family in the entire world.
tonight was one of the funnest nights i have had in a while.
i mean..hanging out with greg is always the funnest night...
but tonight was just a fun night with a girl..i dont have much girly interaction these days
so it was fun
she is so sweet and good and wonderful.
honestly, one of the best girls i know.
she is 16.
and she has life figured out better than i do.
she's awesome.
love her.

random thought.
i have been craving one.
i consider myself a connoisseur (of sorts..) of chocolate shakes.
next to in n out, mcdonalds has THE best chocolate shakes.
they are delish.
like i said..craving.

my mom is really sweet.
i love her.
i've been talking to her lots recently
(okay, well not lots..but comparatively to how much we've talked in the's a lot)
lots of emails, texts, phone calls.
trying to get wedding stuff figured out.
she is smart.
she knows how things work.
she's great.

it's 2:22 in the morning
i am exhausted.
i was falling asleep at gregs house tonight
so i made him take me home early
then i decided to write a blog.
it makes him so mad when i do this.
sorry babe.

84 days til london.
147 til bliss.


the artist's daughter said...

I've totally been there. I can't tell if you're happy or sad. i love you

Chels Allred said...

you guys will still have a blast in disney land. just pray that ya'll look cute in yellow. hahaha. i actually think that makes for a more fun trip!?

motherofangels said...

That was a sweet post Jord!!! I AM TOTALLY ADDICTED TO LOST!!! and your mom is really sweet :) I am coming for your wedding for sure :)

beth said...

Maybe since it will be raining it won't be busy! And I'm still sooooo jealous you are going this weekend.
Ha. I love LOST. Let's have parties. Love you!