okay seriously...ive been here for 4 weeks!
time is flying by. i only have 3 weeks and 2 days left. it is crazy. im definitely getting excited to go back though.
in the last 4 weeks..here are somethings that i have become grateful for.
1. sinks. normal sinks. with normal faucets. here, the hot water comes out of one side, and the cold water comes out of the other. you can just FORGET getting warm water to wash your face in. its a joke. and. the toilets here dont flush. it takes a good 5 or 6 tries. it is absurd.
2. living on the top bunk sucks. thats the only way to put it! my ladder is non existent...so climbing into bed is a joke. and theres a huge gap between my bed and the wall, atleast a good few inches. so stuff falls down all the time. and there have been countless mornings when ive woken up to find my blankets on the floor...gah. im so excited for my big beautiful ikea bed that we're buying when i get home!! yayyy!
3. having a car...public transport systems are fantastic. they really are. but its so annoying to have to take 3 different trains and walk for 15 minutes to get somewhere that is just a few minutes drive away. plus the tube is always packed and sweaty and there are lots of wind tunnels..gross.
4. cheesy gordita crunch & chicken quesadilla. enough said??
5. hello yougurt. me and greg went there alllll the time before i left. corner of university and state. oh my gosh. its heavenly!! love it. miss it. bad.
6. sunshine. i have come to ADORE the days when there is actually sunshine here. its mostly cloudy. and rainy. and windy. not so fantastic.
7. i miss my phone so bad. so so bad. i miss texting google. and chacha. seriously..thats what i miss the most. not texting everyone else isnt so bad. but not being able to text google!! its tragic. it also gets hard to meet up with a group or find someone if they get lost cuz you cant just call..
8. i miss being able to get to church in 10 minutes. here i have to take a 30 minute tube ride with one line change, pay 5 pounds, get on an overground train for another hour, then walk a few blocks to get to church. about an hour and a half each way. that means my church experience lasts 6 hours. and costs money. church was definitely something that i took for granted.
9. free refills! and free water. seriously restaurants over here are crazy. there is no such thing as a free refill. and water is a rare occurrence. we went to one place that tried to charge us 2 pounds for a baby size water bottle. when we asked if we could get tap water they told us that "they dont do tap water". faaabulous. customer service overe here is basically a joke all together.
10. and of course. i miss my boy. we get married 5 weeks from today!
but. of course there are several things that i have come to love.
1. wagamas and nandos. two of the most DELICIOUS restaurants i have ever been to.
2. parks and trees everywhere. ginormous huge parks. central parks all over the place. love it.
3. having homecooked meals twice a day. i love having a big breakfast. and a hot dinner every night. soo yummy.
4. digestive cookies.
5. markets. i discovered borough market yesterday. my absolute favorite. we bought fresh tomatoes and raspberries and bell peppers and peas and apples and juice and chocolate and fresh bread. oh my heavens it was simply divine. it was so so so good. and there were samples. it doesnt get better than that.
6. there is something kind of exciting about living with your professors. definitely weird when youre in your pyjamas eating breakfast and in comes your english teacher. but its kinda fun. for a little bit at least. tonight we needed some medicine, so what do we do? oh just go upstairs and ask the teachers wife. she hooked us up. it was awesome. have a question about your homework assignment? no biggie. just ask your professor at dinner. haha. i love it
7. living with 40 girls has a lot of disadvantages. just take my word for it. but there is something so fun about it at the same time. everyone kind of congregates in the kitchen about 9 or 10 and we all talk or watch movies or do puzzles. its kind of fun.
8. beligum waffles. enough said. seriously heaven.
9. the history and the amazing architecture. london is beautiful. every single building has a beautiful mysterical ancient full of history kind of look to it. i love it. i love riding the bus and just looking at all of the beautiful buildings.
10. shows. I LOVEEE being able to go to shows. it is definitely one of my favorite things about london.
today was fun. we woke up and got breakfast at portobello. then we went out to hampstead heath for a picnic with all of the food from borough market. it was so much fun. we ate then fell asleep in the park. it was glorious!
everyone in the centre is sick. seriously almost everyone has a cold or is just getting over one. cant breathe or swallow or sleep. its rough. but i think my nyquill is setting in!! yay!