Wednesday, September 17, 2008


okay. this website is hilarious. i was cracking up the whole time we were on it. so funny. everyone should try it. these first two are in honor of my mother.
if there was ever any doubt in anyone's mind about how much we look alike, these pictures prove it. i've seen pictures of her in middle, and high school, and i can say with 99% certainty, that she had both of these haircuts. exactly the same.

the last three are just silly, and have really no sentimental value (as the first two obviously do)
however, im really likin the last one.
i have been meaning to cut my hair..
everyone - go try this website.


hannahshirley said...

This is freaking hilarious. I'm going to have to try it!

the artist's daughter said...

I laughed soooo hard. Oh my gosh that is so funny! I seriously thought those first two were your mother, and you had found her year book on line or something. Oh my goodness I'm still just cracking up.