so much has happened this week!!
first: WE BOUGHT A PET FISH!! KateLyn and I bought a cute little Betta Fish today. He is purple and pinkish. And we named him Edward. We love him already. He is the best pet ever.
second: KateLyn is back!! We moved into our new apartment. We love it! We have some fun roommaates and this is looking to be a fabulous year. We were Y Group Leaders for New Student Orientation this year. We had a group of about 30 freshman who we were in charge of for the last 3 days. We did everything with them 8-5 everyday. It was a lot of work. But it was also super fun.
third: BYU won their first football game today! 41 -17! Go Cougars!!
fourth: i love fall. It is so fun! I'm excited for my new classes and friends and experiences. yay!
fifth: my roommate from this summer Beth...has NEVER read Pride and Prejudice. Ever. I was shocked. And slightly disappointed. And sad for her. She's missing out on life.
sixth: as you can probably see, our closet is so tiny. That is both my clothes and KateLyn's clothes, crammed into one tiny closet. yikes!!
seventh: I have the most wonderful poster of John Mayer on my wall. Isn't it beautiful?? The only problem is that KateLyn doesn't share my love for him. Definitely a problem.
eighth: My friend Brandon got home from his mission this past week! So exciting. It was wonderful to talk to him.
um. That's about it. :]
1 comment:
hahahaha...Maybe I'll read it soon. Or not soon. Probably over Christmas break cause I have no time. Or you might have to keep bugging me until I actually read it and keep bugging me when I say it gets boring :)
ha...Stop giving me that look...
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