Monday, January 5, 2009


i promise i will write more later.
someday soon, i am going to make time to sit down & write everything that has been happening recently.
because, believe it or not, a lot has happened.
tonight is not the night.
i made a goal to go to sleep by like 11ish this whole semester.
and here i am at 11:11 writing a blog.
but i wanted everyone to see how cute this boy is.
seriously. the cutest in the world.
july is not going to come fast enough.
i cant wait for forever to start.
christmas break was so much fun.
we had so much fun with my family.
and his.
he is so awesome with my brothers.
i love it.

thats the end.

ps. 105 days til london :]


Angeleah Bertoldo said...

SO cute. and im SO excited. I LOVE YOU!

email and phone numbers said...

he IS so cute Jordan!! July? is that the date? Are you still going to London? WOW! Please let me throw you a bridal shower...! xo

dani said...

oh jord. i love you! you should look at my blog, i did it just for you! i'm glad you're so happy!

Chels Allred said...

JORDAN! you are adorable WITH this adorable boy.. you guys are so in love!! so sweet!